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Meaningful Earth Day Activities
Earth Day is an annual event that is celebrated around the world. On April 22nd every year, the world takes a day out of their busy lives to demonstrate support for protecting the environment.
There are a lot of different ways to spend this special day honoring Mother Nature. It’s a great time to get kids of all ages involved.
How Do You Teach Children About Earth?
Earth Day is the perfect opportunity to teach kids about the ways that they can help to preserve the environment and Earth. Doing activities and crafts with kids about the Earth is a great way to teach them.
While they may not understand things like global warming, there are certainly some easier concepts that they can understand.
A few things that you can easily teach your kids about how to treat the environment is to teach them about recycling. This is part of every day life and is easy to point out to kids.
Another is to teach them about animals and about ones that are endangered. Most kids love animals so teaching them how to protect them is a pretty natural thing.
There are some creative ways to teach kids about Earth Day like art projects, easy Earth Day crafts and science experiments. The best way to get them involved is to do it in a fun way.
If you are looking for ways to teach your child about the environment and celebrate Earth Day, try out one of these Earth Day activities for kids! There are fun ideas for everyone!
Earth Day Coloring Pages: These free printable Earth Day Coloring Pages from The Artisan Life are a great activity to do on Earth Day and talk to your kids about the environment at the same time.
Here is another set of Earth Day coloring pages that are also super fun!
Free Earth Day Printable Headband for Kids: This adorable printable Earth Day headband from Simple Everyday Mom is a fun activity for kids to do on Earth Day and then sport their support for the environment!
Handprint Earth Craft: This super cute hand print earth craft, also from Simple Everyday Mom, is a creative way to make an Earth with your child’s hand print.
Free Printable Earth Day Word Search: This free printable word search from Crayons & Cravings is a fun activity for kids to do and a great way for parents to discuss what the words mean with their kids.
Water Pollution Activities for Kids – Pollution in the Ocean Sensory Bin: This pollution in the ocean sensory bin, provided by Natural Beach Living, is the perfect way to talk to your kids about pollution and how to keep our oceans clean.
Earth Day Vocabulary Learning Games and Activities: These Earth Day word puzzles by Tree Valley Academy are both fun and educational for kids! Bonus is they are free printables!
Jelly Boy Bookish Play Activity: This activity by Finding Myself Young, goes along with the book Jelly-Boy, which discusses how plastic in the ocean is dangerous to the animals.
Earth Day Globe Person Craft Activity: This globe person craft by The Inspiration Edit, is so super cute for kids to do as part of their Earth Day!
How to Make Seed Bombs: From Little Bins for Little Hands, these little seed bombs are a great way to spend Earth Day with your kids. Teaching them about nurturing the environment and starting new life in it is invaluable!
Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt: A simple way to learn about the environment is to talk a nature walk on either a hike or a local park. Then you can use this free printable nature scavenger hunt to learn about the environment!
DIY Upcycled Toilet Paper Seedling Pots: This fun Earth day activity from the Forked Spoon shows kids how to turn reusing toilet paper rolls into a seedling pot.
Layers of Earth Bowls: From Red Ted Art, make layers of Earth bowls out of recycled material as a fun Earth Day craft!
Planet Earth Day Sun Catcher Craft: This cheerful Earth Day sun catcher from Preschool Play & Learn is easy to make with this free template and tissue paper!
Make Recycled Plastic Water Bottle Sun Catchers: Reuse plastic water bottles and permanent markers to make this awesome recycled art project!
Recycling Activity for Preschoolers: This educational activity from Two Pink Peonies teaches kids about what belongs in the recycling bin.
Earth Day is an opportunity to help teach kids about the environment and what we can do to help preserve it. It is the perfect time for kids to learn about the Earth. These activities and crafts are a great way to discuss it with them! And have lots of fun doing it!
Happy Earth Day!
Check out these other holiday activities to do with kids!
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt Printable
Earth Day Activities and Crafts for Kids
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