newborn sleep

Bassinet vs Pack n Play: Which is Best for Baby

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Baby Gear for a New Baby

When you are set to become new parents, there are so many things you need. And a big one that you hear about is a bassinet and a pack n’ play. What is the difference between a bassinet vs pack n play? And which one is better for a baby?

It is overwhelming trying to figure out what is best for your newborn baby . You may not even know how a bassinet functions or what a pack n play is. So let’s start there.

What is a Pack N Play?

bassinet vs pack n play

A pack n play is a portable play yard for a baby. It is low to the ground and can be collapsed to make it easy for travel.

It can easily be used as a travel crib where you can have the baby sleep while you are away from home.

When at home, we often set our pack n play up in the living room . It was a good safe place to put the baby down when we needed a break. Or to put our baby down to play with some teething toys.

Some pack n plays even come with a bassinet attachment that lays on top of the pack n play. It is generally a removable bassinet so you can use the pack n play also. The bassinet attachment can also be used as a changing table as well.

What is a bassinet?

baby bassinet

A bassinet is a place that babies can sleep from newborn through the first few months of their life. It’s a great option when you want to have your baby sleep in your room or close to your bed.

A bassinet is essentially a small crib.

The main difference between a bassinet and a pack n play is where a bassinet is only a good option for the first few months of your baby’s life, a pack n play can be used for quite a while, even through the toddler years, if your child does not exceed the weight limit.

So, what is a better option – a bassinet or a pack n play?

There is no simple answer but the reality is – both could be! It’s not a bad idea to include both on your baby registry and then decide if they both work from you.

Since they have similar and different functions, you may find both useful. You could keep the bassinet in your room until your baby is ready to sleep in a standard crib . When a baby is first born, near you is the safest place for a baby to sleep. This way you can easily hear them in the middle of the night.

You will be exhausted those early weeks and making sure you can keep a close eye on your baby while sleeping is helpful.

And while a bassinet is great for nighttime, a pack n’ play provides so many different options when it comes to uses. From personal experience , a pack n play was super useful.

If we went on a trip, we were able to bring it as a portable crib. It was easy to use for naps or playtime.

When we were at home, we would leave it set up in the living room. It provided a safe space to put my baby down if I needed to wash my hands after a diaper change or needed to prepare a bottle.

You can also opt for a version with lots of additional features or the basic version of a playard.

The Best Bassinets

When looking for a bassinet, you want one that won’t take up too much space since it will likely be in your bedroom.

The Halo BassiNest is perfect for small spaces since it can fold up for easy storage and is not bulky. The sides are made of breathable mesh walls which are great for a baby’s sleep.

Another option is the Mika Mickey Baby Bassinet Bedside Sleeper. This bassinet is not as lightweight as the Halo bassinet, but can be attached to the parents bed with two straps so if the baby moves, the bassinet will not move away. For safety reasons, there is a weight limit of 33 lbs or when a baby starts to pull themselves up.

The Best Pack n Play

When it comes to a portable playard, you really cannot beat a Graco Pack n Play. The best part is that you can go for a model with a lot of extra features such as a bassinet and a changing station .

Or you can simply can the base model and use it as an on-the-go playard. Either way, it’s a piece of baby gear that is a must have!

The bottom line is both a bassinet and a pack n play are useful for different reasons. Pick whichever works best for you – and maybe register for both so you can decide!

No matter where you lay your baby to sleep, the important thing to remember is that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends putting your baby down to sleep on a flat surface on its back.

Which do you prefer – a bassinet or a pack n play? Or both?

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bassinet vs pack n play

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Bassinet vs Pack n Play

1 thought on “Bassinet vs Pack n Play: Which is Best for Baby”

  1. It is so hard knowing what to do and then you (kind of) figure it out with one baby, have another one, and they are completely different! I’ve used both!

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