Baby care tips

Newborn Baby Care Tips for New Moms

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Taking Care of Newborns

When you are a new mom bringing home your baby, you realize that you have no idea what to do next.  You may have read books or have friends and family telling you what to expect, but as a first-time parent, there is nothing like your own experience.

I had no idea what to do with my daughter when we first brought her home from the hospital.  I fumbled along hoping I was doing the right thing.  I asked a lot of questions from moms I knew and my own mom.  

I wish I had had these baby care tips when I first became a new mom!  


A newborn baby sleeps a lot! But what happens when they won’t sleep and you have a very fussy baby on your hands?

For new parents, this is the best advice for helping deal with a baby’s sleep.

What to Do When Your Newborn Won’t Sleep at Night from Living for Sunshine gives tips on how to get through those sleepless nights with a baby.

How to Swaddle Your Baby Step By Step from The Mom Friend gives a great visual tutorial on how to swaddle your newborn, which helps a newborn sleep more soundly.

5 Reasons Your Baby is Not Sleeping (and How to Cope) from Fab Working Mom Life helps to give you ideas of why your baby may not be sleeping and some great ways to deal with it when you are dealing with sleep deprivation.

10 Tips to Transition Your Baby to a Crib from The Postpartum Party helps you to make that move out of your room into a crib and baby’s own room a little easier.

Baby Sleep Coaching: methods and myths from Play.Learn.Thrive helps with getting baby to sleep and debunking baby sleep myths.


If this is your first baby, you may not be very familiar with changing diapers – but you will be soon!

The amount of dirty diapers a new baby goes through in a day is nuts!

These tips are the best way to deal with diaper changes:


How to Change a Diaper: Helpful Tips from Mombrite provides step by step instructions on how to change a diaper.

How to Get Rid of and Prevent a Diaper Rash provides new moms with tips and tricks to deal with horrible diaper rash.

3 Easy Newborn Baby Tips from High Chair Chronicles gives you some great ideas with how to deal with wet diapers overnight.


There are a couple different options when it comes to feeding a baby. Whether you decide to breastfeed, pump or formula feed, as long as you are listening to the baby’s needs, that’s all that matters!

7 Formula Feeding Hacks to Save Time and Money from Four to Love provides some great tips for new moms that choose to go the formula route.

The Biomechanics of a Good Burp from Ottawa Mommy Club helps new moms make sure that they are getting a good burp out of their babies.

Other Baby Care Tips

We can all use help as moms.  Especially with babies.  They can all be so different and what works for one doesn’t always work for another.  These newborn care tips will help!

Get Baby on the Right Schedule from Mama’s Organized Chaos helps new moms to put baby’s on a schedule to help everyone keep their sanity!

The Ultimate Guide to Bathing and Grooming Your Newborn from Mommy’s Bundle helps give new moms tips on how to bathe and groom your baby.

Natural Remedies to Soothe Teething Pain helps new moms get through the painful time of teething with their baby.

Baby Gas Relief Techniques from MommySlay! helps new moms whose baby has gas get both mommy and baby the relief they need!

Words of Advice

Let a family member help! In the first month that you have your newborn home, you will need help. It is a good idea to accept it, whether its to hold the baby, feed them, watch them or just have someone bring over a hot meal!

If you have a fussy newborn, try singing softly to them while slowly rocking them in your arms. Cuddling them close can make them feel safe and help with their breathing.

If you have a crying baby – the first two things to check are: do they have a dirty diaper? And are they hungry?

What are you best baby care tips?

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